

National GeographicGlobal Tagline

###“We also sought a brand tagline, something that could define us and serve as our North Star. Something that would resonate both internally and externally…’Further’ is a call to arms, a rallying cry, an ever-shifting marker of progress…By definition, it never ends, it knows no bounds.”
####Courteney Monroe, CEO National Geographic Global Television

Ah, taglines. I love you. Summing up the spirit and aspirations of an entire brand / legacy / network / establishment into such a simple, yet profound word or phrase. In this case, word.

Working again with Gretel, I “created” the obvious but elusive summation of National Geographic, that singular society of explorers and science-makers that had lodged themselves into my brain since I was a lad.

Gretel did their thing and expressed Further in their typically brilliant and exhaustive manner, and now National Geographic is reborn and re-relevent.

According to Deadline, “early in the coming year, the rebrand will evolve to include a ‘Further’ section in National Geographic magazine, a ‘Further’ web series and more consumer-facing activations to be announced.”

The Launch Promo

Some very nice press:

Writer, Strategist

The copy above was also written by me, taken from a video script.